An abnormal load can be described as a load that exceeds the standards or weight limits set out by the Department of Transport. An abnormal load vehicle usually makes use of a multi-axle lowbed on which the loads are transported. Different types of lowbed trailers are used to transport different loads.
Construction equipment
Pre-built or E-Homes
Mining equipment
Industrial equipment
Military equipment
Railway equipment
The legal dimensions and weights of vehicles on the road vary between countries and regions and vehicles that exceed the legal limitations usually requires a special permit. A permit specifies the exact route the abnormal load transport vehicle needs to take and includes clearance warnings. Permits are issued by a Provincial Road Authority that authorizes abnormal load transportation.
Abnormal load transport vehicles also need to take certain safety precautions and need to adhere to certain measures when transporting a load.
Red flags (600mm x 600mm) that indicates the edge or farthest point of the lowbed trailer
Abnormal Vehicle Warning Boards in the front and rear of the abnormal vehicle
Escort Vehicle Warning Board that is fitted to the roof
Amber flashing light on the top of the cab (mobile cranes need one at the front overhang and two at the rear)
Marker lamps and reflectors to demarcate the edges
Speed restriction board (400mm in diameter). This needs to be fitted at the rear of the abnormal vehicle, above the warning board, should the vehicle be required to drive 60km/h or less
Perform a Survey on the route they need to take before the abnormal load is moved
Act as a Flagger by curbing the Pilot Car
Bring the abnormal load to a stop for any reason
Use the Pilot Car in order to block traffic from passing the abnormal load
CTS East is one of South Africa's largest transporters of abnormal loads and we've been doing it for over 2 decades. We transport loads throughout South Africa, as well as other neighbouring countries, such as Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique.
Plant Hire
Energy Utility
Crane Hire
Crushing & Screening
Beams & Girders
Drill Rigs
Farming Equipment
Forklift & Reach Stackers
Military Equipment
Mining Equipment
Wind Farm Equipment
We have a large fleet of lowbed trailers in various configurations in order for us to transport various types of loads, ranging in different weights. We also have a fully equipped workshop where we undertake servicing and maintenance of our fleet.